Monday, April 6, 2009

Hello! Alinea x 4!

Most self-respecting blogs start with an explanation of what the blog is all about or an introduction by the author.  Maybe I'll get to that stuff.  Eventually.

For now, though - an event never before seen on the Internets tubes: 4 dishes from the Alinea cookbook, cooked at home, in one place at one time!  No man, woman, child or dog has experienced this before!!!  Despite the risk of creating a cosmic rift, I brought together dishes from different seasons!

These are, of course, some of the total "starter" dishes: Dry Shot (pg 156), Kumquat/Aquavit (pg 276), Dry Caramel (pg 296) and Cheese in Crackers (pg 359).  (Yes, I do plan on doing the Hibiscus spheres, liquified popcorn and dangling bacon soon.)

No, this combination does not make for a particularly good snack, let alone a meal.  Given that some of these dishes take a few days to prepare, by this last Sunday, I had samples from all four together.  So I lined them up and took a picture.

My idea here isn't to break down the preparation of each of these dishes.  Others do this very well: Alineaathome and Alineaphile.  Instead, I'm planning on commenting on the oddball, unexpected and potentially useful things I observe along the way.  Check in with the pros for the blow-by-blow and I'll throw in a little color commentary.

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